How do you say “thank you” to someone for saving your life?

These are the people that are the most significant in my life - because even though I was among the lost (the 1 of 99) that was truly in deep troublesome water and couldn't find my way, they still believed in me. These are the ones that stuck it out with me and believed in me 100%… and because of you my motto has become:


Now faith is the assurance of what we hope for and the certainty of what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1

Tom Leogering & Janet Craven

Tom has become an instrumental influence in my life. I'll take it deep: He's like a father to me!

Janet has been my true guardian angel! I am forever thankful for her unyeilding belief in me!

They sought me out as one of the leaders in the world of junior golf training, fulfilling the need of a Christian teacher for this ministry… GPS: Golf Program in Schools… GPS: God's Plan for Students… GPS: Grip, Posture, Swing!

But when catastrophy struck, my life became a catastrophy. Through God's grace, their forgiveness, and God's perfect plan, I've somehow now found myself living the ultimate dream of making a difference in children's lives, which brings joy to my own heart. I am honored to be a major part of this legacy.

After my recovery/rehab, it took a while, but they accepted me back. Janet refused to give up on me!


Allan Solheim, Joan Solheim

Thank you for your continued support and belief in me. Thank you for giving me the extra motivation that I needed. Thank you for keeping me in your “Hall of Faith”, and for teaching me the true meaning of the words “faith” and “family”.

Ping is known to the world as the most forgiving equipment in the world, but I want the world to know that the Solheim family is the most forgiving people in the world!

Dream City Church

Pastor Tommy Barnett, Pastor Luke Barnett, Angel Barnett

Thank you… yes, you three… for making a significant difference in my life (and the lives of countless thousands)!

Thank you deeply for still believing in me.

Your whole family takes “practice what you preach” to a whole new level: You found a hurt and healed it. You found a need and filled it.


Catch the Vision Ministries

Thank you JD for putting things in such a way that I could relate to it. I was overwhelmed by your testimony and how it parelleled my struggles.

“CATCH THE VISION,” JD told all of us many times. It fully resonated in me as I took it personally! And now “NO MORE FUMBLES!”

You were the true TURNING POINT of my recovery and you were the one who directed me to the TRUE PATH! Because of you I found my calling, my purpose, and my election.

Fire & Water Church

Pastor Gus

Thank you for “messing me up”, “making me pay attention”, and for teaching me about my God-given mulligan.

Thank you for putting fire in our hearts and our souls as we sit in your church aka “Church in the Hood”. For all the people coming off the horrific individual situations on the streets (including me) I've never witnessed, felt, or understood the sense of urgency and the reality that you preach to the people in need of renewed hope. You are so so real! You are so so so “straight up”! Wow!

US Kids Golf International

Dan Van Horn, how can I ever pay you back for everything you've done for me? I will continue to support US Kids Golf above and beyond any other children's program for the rest of my life.

Brendon Zastrow

A true friend and my closest confidant! Your wisdom stretches through all areas of life, and I will always seek you out for your wise counsel. Thank your for your consistant help in growing the GPS ministry. Your reach has been in inspiration to all.

Phoenix Dream Center

Brian and Skye Steele

Thank you both for believing in me and raising me up onto your team. I had no idea what was to come, but God had a plan, and because of you all of what was to come became possible! Thanks to you, I have a hope and a joy for my future, helping others who are in great need, just like I was. Through you I found the true meaning of “joy”!

Where Hope Lives

Jeff May

Thank you for your belief and confidence in me! It is a thrill working with you knowing that together we can make a difference in this hurting world with our efforts to stop modern slavery, that is, human trafficking. I'm blessed and honored to be on your team and I praise the Lord that I have the opportunity to have your wisdom rub off on me!

Pastor Walt Rattray

Thank you for your amazing belief in me after I failed again and again. Thank your for letting me share all the crazy different parts of the testimonies in my life with with so many people and so many audiences. Thank you for teaching me “Let God be God”!

Carlos Daniel

Thanks for including me and helping me with your wise council! Thank your for caring deeply about my family and recognizing my potential in my own personal giftings so that I could be a value to the ministry. Your support has allowed me to use my passion for the glory of God.

Kona Dickinson

Thank you for your unparalleled way of helping me understand people in a completely different way, a brilliant way that protrudes love.

Clarence Richardson

Thank you Clarence for putting me in a wheelchair and letting me detox here at the Dream Center. You started me on the right path with the Scriptures, you trained me up with your Biblical wisdom, and not only that but you put me with the right roommate: Demouy!


Kameron Loe

Thank you for healing my shoulder and making my body work again. Without you, my days of swinging a golf club would have been over. Because of you I swing with complete freedom!

Demouy Williams

Thank you for being the most amazing roommate I could possibly imagine. We became the perfect team and are blessed that Clarence Richardson knew that we would get along with each other. Wow! It was much better than that! God had a plan for His vision, we became best friends, and our ministry speaks for itself!

But I can't fit everything that I want to say here, so here is the longer version.

Giving back & paying it forward to this hurting world in which we live!
Sincerely, Kent Chase